Writ Work
Writ Work

A legal and formal document that commands a person or entity to do or stop doing a particular action. Writs can only be written by judges, courts, and the entities that hold judicial jurisdiction. Writs can only be issued post a judgement is made by the court.
The most common types of writs are warrants and subpoenas. This is how a party directs another party through court in the legal way. At Lex solutions, we have specialized lawyers for drafting writs for the concerned party. Our team of lawyers is well-versed with contract law, specific relief act, land revenue act, civil procedures, and statuary interpretation.
Following are the most common reasons to draft a writ-
- To help citizens fight for their rights
- To make sure that no injustice is served
- In order to provide an option to the aggrieved party if they are not satisfied with the judgment of higher authorities
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For a writ appeal, you need the best law firm that can make this complicated task a bit simpler for you. The writ can also be filed by yourself, but the best way to file a writ is through an advocate. Hire a professional team like Lex Solutions and get your work done under the court laws.
Warrants and Subpoenas are the two very common types of writs. This is how a party directs another party through the court in a legal way. At Lex solutions, we have specialised lawyers for drafting writs for the concerned party.
You can find the best writs lawyers in Chandigarh only at Lex Solutions. They have the best team of lawyers that work according to the client's needs. All of their professionals are highly skilled and experienced. So, without any further doubt, immediately contact them through their official website.